N. Korea's sends 2nd passenger jet to Kuwait in June

新闻中心 2024-09-22 01:20:50 2271

North Korea's national carrier, Air Koryo, sent a second passenger plane to Kuwait in June after a two-month suspension, the U.S.-based Voice of America reported Wednesday.

Air Koryo did not operate the Pyongyang-Kuwait route in March and April but resumed the route for one flight last month.

Based on data from Flight Radar 24, a website that tracks flights around the world, VOA said Air Koryo flight JS161 heading for Kuwait from Pyongyang was spotted by radars flying above the North Korean city of Sonchon, North Pyongan Province, at 5:43 p.m. on June 28.

The plane was later spotted flying westward over China's northeastern city of Shenyang to the Middle East region and was presumed to have already arrived in Kuwait after a stopover at Islamabad, Pakistan, according to VOA report.

The North Korean flight normally conducts a transit and re-fueling stop in Islamabad on the Pyongyang-Kuwait route.

The North's Air Koryo is known to be operating the Pyongyang-Kuwait route to mainly transport North Korean workers to and from the Middle East country.

North Korea is reportedly experiencing hardships as it has been under strict international sanctions for its nuclear and missile tests earlier this year. The U.N. Security Council resolution passed in early March included a ban on the export of aviation fuel to the reclusive country. (Yonhap)





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