Top 10 Tech Pranks

新闻中心 2024-09-22 12:31:11 3792

Pranks can be awesome. They are one of those few things in life that most people can unequivocally agree on being great. Pranks are in the same league with cat videos, candy, and free stuff – everyone loves 'em – except for that one guy you know, but he's still sore from your last prank. Lighten up, Joe!

You've probably already pranked some lucky members of your life at one time or another. Maybe you deployed the humble whoopee cushion or used the vacuum on someone sound asleep. Fun times. But are you really living up to your prankster potential?

You're a tech-savvy individual, and it's time that your pranks showed that. We've got some ideas...




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用捡来的加油卡套现 一男子犯盗窃罪被刑罚
