5 Days of Awesome Wallpapers: Geometric and Architectural Wallpapers

新闻中心 2024-09-22 09:40:58 1

A great wallpaper can start your day off on a good mood. There’s certainly no shortage of places to find something to revitalize your desktop, whether you are into beautiful landscapes, minimalism, abstract illustrations, or eye-catching designs and patterns. With the kind of hours we spend looking at our computer and smartphone screens, why not make them a little prettier?

TechSpot Wallpaper Week - 3rd edition

This is the third edition of Wallpaper Week on TechSpot which we've broken down in five categories. We're refreshing all content, keeping the best high-resolution wallpapers from previous editions and adding a ton of new content, one category per day Monday thru Friday. The idea is to share astonishing wallpapers gathered from around the web by members of the TechSpot staff. Most of these are good to use with your 4K desktop, laptop display or smartphone.

To kick things off we're starting with geometric and architectural wallpapers, also available as .zip file download.




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