66 countries submit implementation reports on NK sanctions: report

关于我们 2024-09-23 03:22:35 84
One third of United Nations member states have submitted their implementation reports on the latest set of international sanctions adopted against North Korea, a news report said Saturday.

The Voice of America report said 66 countries have submitted their own implementation reports since the U.N. Security Council adopted Resolution 2270 in March to punish the North for its nuclear and ballistic missile tests early this year. It cited an e-mail from the Spanish mission to the U.N., which currently chairs a U.N. panel on North Korea sanctions.

The sanctions, the toughest yet to be adopted against North Korea by the U.N., include mandatory inspections of all cargo going into and out of the North.

The panel had received implementation reports on a total of four sanctions resolutions against North Korea, and the number of reports for the latest sanctions is the second highest after Resolution 1718 designed to punish the North for its nuclear test in 2006, according to VOA.

Five countries -- Angola, Costa Rica, Burundi, Iraq and Senegal

-- submitted reports for the first time.

In 2006, 94 U.N. member states submitted reports for Resolution 1718. (Yonhap)




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