'Deal with your own human rights issues': North Korea bristles at EU over UN resolution

新闻中心 2024-09-22 10:31:46 8

North Korea on Tuesday slammed the European Union (EU) for leading a U.N. resolution condemning its human rights situation, calling the move an act of hostility based on "false and fabricated" documents.

The resolution, drafted by the European countries, was submitted to the United Nations' Third Committee for approval late last month. If passed, it will be put to a vote at the U.N. General Assembly in mid-December.

"We have long rejected this slanderous 'resolution' full of false and fabricated documents to blindly defame our human rights policy and situation," an official at a North Korea-EU association said in a commentary posted on the North's foreign ministry website.

North Korea has been bristling at accusations of its human rights violations, calling them a U.S.-led attempt to topple its regime.

"The European countries with the worst records of human rights should do their job first, which is to deal with their own human rights trashes," the official added.

South Korea has taken part in the adoption process by consensus, not as a co-sponsor of the resolution, since 2019 amid efforts to resume inter-Korean talks and nuclear negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang. (Yonhap)




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