South Korea remains open to another summit with North Korea: minister nominee

新闻中心 2024-09-22 07:14:39 2837
Unification Minister nominee Kwon Young-se / Korea Times file
Unification Minister nominee Kwon Young-se / Korea Times file

The new administration remains open to inter-Korean dialogue with a plan to potentially hold bilateral summit talks after sufficient discussion, the nominee to serve as Seoul's new point man on Pyongyang said Tuesday.

In a written report to lawmakers ahead of his confirmation hearing, Kwon Young-se stressed that another inter-Korean summit needs to be held "in a way that can contribute to achieving peace on the Korean Peninsula" and substantive progress in cross-border relations, including the denuclearization of the North.

"The time will come for us to consider a concrete plan when the current situation of uncertainty and grave provocations comes to a lull," he said, pointing out that the two Koreas should first build mutual trust and engage in sufficient discussions.

He emphasized that the Yoon Suk-yeol administration would not seek a hardline stance on the North and will strive to achieve "flexible harmony" between principle and practicality.

On humanitarian assistance, the new government will seek the continued provision of aid, associated with public health and COVID-19 control measures, to North Korea regardless of the political situation, he said.

In his inauguration speech earlier in the day, Yoon offered to revive North Korea's economy with an "audacious plan" if it takes steps to denuclearize.

During his presidential campaign, Yoon of the conservative People Power Party has signaled a tough stance on North Korea, suggesting a possible preemptive strike in the event of an imminent and direct threat from the unpredictable country. (Yonhap)




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