Police bust porn site, book 87 suspects

行业动态 2024-09-21 19:29:42 482
Police recently busted a website that was used to share pornographic pictures -- including spycam porn -- arresting the suspected owner and booking 86 others without detention.

The Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency said Tuesday that it had arrested the man, whose name has not been revealed, and booked without detention 86 men accused of sharing pictures of some 200 models and other women.

According to police, the site owner used a US-based server to evade police tracking and gained 12 million won in illicit profits between September 2017 and October 2018.

The photos shared on the site included some of YouTuber Yang Ye-won, who said in May that she had been coerced into modeling for sexually suggestive pictures that were later made public without her consent. Yang has sued the photographer and the case is still ongoing.

Of the men accused of uploading pictures illegally, 53 allegedly shared privately taken pictures of their ex-girlfriends or wives. Among the accused were a military officer, a veterinarian, teachers and college and high-school students.

According to the police report, the website had almost 330,000 members and was used to share 91,000 pictures illegally.

Police are tracking down an accomplice of the suspected operator while expanding the investigation to include more illegal pornographic websites.






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